Rest assured that your best friend will receive top-notch care and attention during our training. When they are under my guidance, I treat them as a fellow creature and member of my pack. And when they stay in my home, they become a part of my family.


I’m not into Virtual Lessons over Skype or FaceTime. I don’t expect you to become a dog trainer either. Virtual training is just a waste of time for both of us. It’s basically a way for dog trainers to make money without actually training dogs. I’m not interested in that. However, I’m more than happy to chat with you about dog training, behavior issues, and anything related to dogs. But what I really want is to take action and effectively train your dog to help you out.

Just like I prefer taking my car to a mechanic to fix any issues it has. I’m not a professional driver or a car enthusiast, so I don’t really care about all the technical stuff. I just want my car to be well-maintained and reliable. Similarly, I’ve dedicated my career to learning and practicing dog training skills so I can train your dog for YOU and show YOU how to maintain it.


Group lessons with multiple dogs and handlers is not the best way to start dog training. I’m not interested in just making more money by teaching dog handling tips to a group of pet owners.

However, I do see the value in having well-behaved dogs and their capable owners together. That’s why I plan to organize group dog walks, hikes, and events in the future for the Priceless Pack community. Only owners whose dogs have completed a training program will be invited to join me and my crew for exciting adventures in different parts of Chautauqua County.

It might be hard to imagine walking with a group of dogs in Bemus Point in July or enjoying a cold one with your dog and friends at Southern Tier, but it could become a reality with the Priceless Pack.